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The Benefits of Adult Braces

Braces are orthodontic appliances that use constant, gentle pressure to slowly move teeth into their desired positions. Today’s braces are smaller and less noticeable, using new materials that apply a more gradual force to your teeth.

Braces are made of metal brackets that are bonded to the front of each tooth. They have slots to hold the archwire and tie wings where elastics (ligatures) attach to secure the wire. Contact Boca Dental and Braces now!

Misaligned teeth and overcrowding create tight spaces where plaque and food particles collect, causing tooth decay and gum disease. Correcting these issues with adult braces can make your daily oral hygiene routine more effective, lowering your risk of dental problems and promoting overall oral health.

Correcting an overbite with braces reduces the amount of pressure that your lower front teeth exert on your upper teeth when you close your mouth, preventing premature wear and tear. This can also reduce the pain and discomfort associated with this condition.

In addition to preventing overcrowding, braces can also fix bite issues like an underbite and crossbite. Straightening your teeth and improving the way they fit together can alleviate jaw discomfort, and prevent excessive stress on the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), reducing the risk of developing TMJ problems.

Tight spaces and overlaps can cause difficulty chewing and swallowing, leading to poor digestion. Braces can eliminate these issues by straightening your teeth and closing gaps, making it easier to chew and digest foods. This can help you maintain a healthy weight and a balanced diet.

Braces can even improve the taste of foods by allowing you to chew and swallow more comfortably. Straightened teeth also make it easier to pronounce certain sounds, facilitating clearer and more professional speech. In addition, braces can fix TMJ problems caused by a poor bite or misaligned teeth, reducing the likelihood of chronic headaches and other musculoskeletal pain. For those concerned about the appearance of metal braces, there are alternative options such as ceramic brackets and clear arch wires that blend in with your natural teeth. These types of orthodontic appliances also use elastic ligatures and rubber bands instead of traditional steel wires, which are less noticeable to others.

Reduced Risk of Gum Disease

Gum disease, which affects seven out of ten Canadians at some point in their lives, is most often the result of poor oral hygiene and may lead to tooth loss. During orthodontic treatment, the risk of gum disease is much lower due to the regular cleaning and flossing required by braces.

Traditional braces (also known as metal braces) consist of metal brackets affixed to the front of teeth and metal wires that are threaded through these brackets. As the arch wire is tightened, it applies pressure to each tooth, helping it to move into its proper position. Braces also come with small rubber bands called elastic ligatures that circle each bracket and help guide the arch wire. There are also a number of different types of brackets and appliances to help you get the smile you want.

The actual placement of braces is quick and painless, though some patients experience slight discomfort after each adjustment. If this is a problem for you, your orthodontist can recommend over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If the irritation becomes severe, you can talk to your orthodontist about applying special wax to the sharp areas of the brackets or using interdental brushes and flossers to clear trapped food.

Besides correcting the position of crooked teeth, orthodontic treatment can also help fix problems such as jaw abnormalities, or malocclusions. These problems are caused by a number of factors including inherited dental conditions, thumb sucking, or early or late tooth loss. If left untreated, these problems can cause poor posture and jaw or facial imbalances that can be difficult to correct without the help of braces. Functional appliances, such as Bionators and Activators, can harness natural forces to improve jaw function and align the bite in a way that is more natural for your face.

Straighter Teeth

People often think of braces as an orthodontic treatment for a beautiful smile, but straighter teeth come with a number of other benefits, including better chewing and improved speech. These changes make it easier to enjoy a wider variety of foods and give you the confidence to express yourself without worry.

The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to brush and floss them regularly. However, this can be difficult if you have crowded or crooked teeth. Bacteria and plaque thrive in these areas, increasing your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Additionally, chewing food properly is essential for digestive health. If you have trouble chewing, it can cause stomach pain and prevent you from consuming the nutrients your body needs.

In addition, if you have a gap between your teeth (known as a diastema) it can lead to tooth loss. This can be exacerbated by thumb sucking, a poorly aligned jaw, gum disease or an oversized labial frenum.

Achieving a healthy, straight smile through orthodontics can prevent these and other dental issues down the road. It also makes it much easier to maintain good oral hygiene by reducing the chance of bacterial plaque build-up, gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral health problems.

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional wire braces, we have a variety of options that can be customized to suit your needs and budget. These include Invisalign, lingual braces and ceramic braces that are less noticeable than metal braces.

Improved Speech

When teeth and jaws are misaligned, it can impact the way we pronounce words. This is why orthodontic treatment can help to fix common speech issues like lisping and stuttering.

Speech is a complicated process. Our lungs supply the sound, while our larynx manipulates that air into specific sounds via vocal cords. Our mouth and tongue then articulate those sounds into the words we say. When teeth and jaws are crooked, it can affect how we pronounce certain words and can even lead to slurred speech. Fortunately, these problems can often be corrected with braces.

Modern metal braces are smaller, lighter and more comfortable than ever before. They also work faster to help align the teeth. This can reduce the slurring associated with crowded teeth and make it easier to pronounce certain consonants like /t/, /n/ and /d/.

Moreover, when teeth are more evenly sized and spaced, they are easier to chew and digest food. This can improve nutrition and reduce the risk of digestive problems such as indigestion and obesity.

However, it is important to remember that it may take some time for patients to adjust to having braces. It is recommended that they practice reading books aloud and having conversations with friends and family members to get used to speaking while wearing their braces. In addition, the use of orthodontic wax to reduce discomfort and abrasions to the lips can assist with pronunciation. With patience and consistency, patients will be able to adapt to their new oral structures and speak normally again within a few days. This is especially true for children, who usually find that they are able to speak as normally as they did before getting their braces on.

Improved Confidence

Children and adults alike will feel more confident about their smiles after completing orthodontic treatment. This boost in self-esteem helps pave the way for positive changes in social interactions and overall well-being.

Crooked teeth can create hidden nooks and crannies that are difficult to clean properly, leading to the buildup of bacterial plaque, which, if left untreated, can lead to gum disease and other health problems. By straightening teeth, braces make it easier to clean, reducing the risk of these issues.

Misaligned teeth often lead to an improper bite, which puts strain on the jaw joints (also called the temporomandibular joints, or TMJs). This can cause discomfort and pain. By realigning teeth and the bite, braces help distribute the pressure evenly, reducing the risk of TMJ disorders.

When your teeth are crowded or crooked, it can be hard to chew foods completely, which makes digestion more difficult. This can lead to gas and bloating. By correcting this issue, braces can help improve your digestive health by making it easier to chew and digest food.

For an added confidence-boost, you can choose to have your braces fitted in a color that complements your eyes. For instance, blue or green braces work well for people with light eye colors, while gold and silver braces can be a great choice for darker eyes. However, it is important to choose a color that will match your wardrobe and look professional in the workplace. For this reason, many adult patients choose to stick with a consistent color rather than switching between different hues. If you’re unsure which color to go with, ask your orthodontist for recommendations. They’ll be happy to help!